Xu Xiaoyan - Chinesische Malerin > Vanishing homeland

Xu Xiaoyan wants to paint these borderlands before they become swallowed up in to the whole.
She said, "Every time I chose to paint, there must be something that has really touched my heart. I mean, something that I have a visceral response for. It must be something that compels me to paint."
This melancholy-tainted urban melody belies her true heart. Xu is a realistic painter with a romantic strain. Despite the depiction of construction sites, Xu's works are never meant to be a visual indictment of thoughtless urban development. Her paintings are not political, but poetic.
But it requires a sensitive ear to discover the poetry in the apparent chaos. This dingy river, with waste water pumped into it on a daily basis, is one place near her home that the painter now visits quite often. And on more than one occasion, she has been mistaken for an eager environmental monitor.
The paintings may indeed have taken on an environmental message, but only by chance. For Xu Xiaoyan, they are also the result of her reaction to all the changes that have been going on in her life during the past few years.
Xu Xiaoyan said, "I had been on the move for some time. The reason for that was because the studios I used to rent faced demolition from the real-estate developers. Every time I resettled, a different feeling began to grow inside me. The changes, both personal and social, have had a huge impact on my creative work."
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She said, "Every time I chose to paint, there must be something that has really touched my heart. I mean, something that I have a visceral response for. It must be something that compels me to paint."
This melancholy-tainted urban melody belies her true heart. Xu is a realistic painter with a romantic strain. Despite the depiction of construction sites, Xu's works are never meant to be a visual indictment of thoughtless urban development. Her paintings are not political, but poetic.
But it requires a sensitive ear to discover the poetry in the apparent chaos. This dingy river, with waste water pumped into it on a daily basis, is one place near her home that the painter now visits quite often. And on more than one occasion, she has been mistaken for an eager environmental monitor.
The paintings may indeed have taken on an environmental message, but only by chance. For Xu Xiaoyan, they are also the result of her reaction to all the changes that have been going on in her life during the past few years.
Xu Xiaoyan said, "I had been on the move for some time. The reason for that was because the studios I used to rent faced demolition from the real-estate developers. Every time I resettled, a different feeling began to grow inside me. The changes, both personal and social, have had a huge impact on my creative work."
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